Filler for the buttocks and thighs area of the body

Filler for the buttocks and thighs area of the body

Discover how fillers can effectively reshape the buttocks area and correct hollowness. Learn about the benefits, procedures, and expert tips for optimal results.

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Filler for intimate areas

Filler for intimate areas

Hyaluronic acid filler is used to restore volume, freshness, and hydration to a woman’s intimate area after repeated pregnancies, weight loss, or aging.

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Postpartum operations

Postpartum operations

A procedure aimed at returning the woman's body shape to its pre-pregnancy and breastfeeding condition

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Collagen boosting to treat sagging skin without surgery

Collagen boosting to treat sagging skin without surgery

The use of substances that stimulate the production of collagen in the skin is one of the most important recent developments in cosmetic medicine

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Treating sagging skin through surgery

Treating sagging skin through surgery

يعاني المرضى من ترهلات شديدة في الجلد بعد خسارة الوزن الشديدة التي تحدث بعد جراحات البدانة، وهذه الترهلات لا يمكن أن تتحسّن لذا الحل الوحيد لعلاجها هو الاستئصال الجراحي

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Breast lift

Breast lift

The process of lifting the breast, restoring its spherical shape, and restoring the natural anatomical relationship between the nipple and the rest of the breast parts, so that we obtain a firm, rounded, non-flabby breast.

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Breast enlargement

Breast enlargement

Breast augmentation with silicone implants is the safest and most effective way to obtain larger breast size and improve feminine harmony in the body

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Breast reduction

Breast reduction

A large number of women suffer from large breasts, which causes chronic pain in the neck and shoulders to which painkillers are not effective.

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Tummy tuck

Tummy tuck

The abdomen becomes saggy due to repeated pregnancies and childbirth in women and severe weight loss in men

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To remove accumulated fat in specific areas of the body that have not responded to exercise or diet, and it can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the condition of each patient.

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Gynecomastia is an increase in the size of a man’s breasts in a way that causes him embarrassment while swimming or wearing certain clothes

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Tighten the eyelids

Tighten the eyelids

With age, the eyelids become more flabby and signs of fatigue appear on the face

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Prominent ear beautification

Prominent ear beautification

Pinna protrusion (bat ear) is a congenital deformity of the shape of the ear that does not affect hearing

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Scar beautification

Scar beautification

Scars (bruises or wounds) are cosmetically good when they are soft, non-pigmented, painless, and do not restrict movement.

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It is used to prevent and treat expression wrinkles on the face, in the forehead, between the eyebrows, and around the eyes

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